Classic Neapolitan Pizza Dough Recipe

A Step-by-Step Recipe Based Upon Using your Sunmix Spiral Dough Mixer


Neapolitan pizza is renowned for its simplicity and incredible flavors. At the heart of every perfect Neapolitan pizza is its dough, which is airy, chewy, and full of flavor. In this blog post, we will guide you through a classic Neapolitan pizza dough recipe that will elevate your homemade pizza game to a whole new level.

- 1000g of strong pizza flour. 
- 620g of water
- 0.3g of instant yeast
- 30g of salt


1. **Prepare Your Mixer:**
Begin by setting up your mixer. Make sure it's clean and ready for action.

2. **Add Flour to Mixer:**
Pour 1000g of strong pizza flour into the mixer bowl. Caputo Red, Dallagiovanna Green or Red, Shipton Mill Premium Canadian, Polselli Red.  

3. **Add Water:**
Add 620g of water to the flour in the mixer bowl.

4. **Incorporate Instant Yeast:**
Sprinkle 0.3g of instant yeast into the flour and water mixture.

5. **Mix Slowly:**
Start the mixer at a low speed of 70rpm. Continue mixing until the ingredients combine and form a pumpkin-shaped dough.

6. **Increase Mixing Speed:**
Increase the mixer speed to 210rpm.

7. **Add Salt:**
Add 30g of salt when the dough hits 20°C. 

8. **Monitor Temperature:**
Keep a close eye on the dough temperature. Stop mixing when the dough reaches 22°C.

9. **Remove and Clean:**
Remove the dough from the mixer. Make sure to clean the mixer thoroughly. Do it now whilst it’s easy. 

10. **Divide into Balls:**
Divide the dough into 280g balls. This recipe should yield 6 dough balls. 

11. **Ferment:**
Place the dough balls into trays and cover them. No flour. No oil. Just straight into the tray. Let them ferment for a glorious 24 hours at a consistent temperature of 20°C. This slow fermentation process will develop the dough's flavor and texture.

12. **It's Pizza Time:**
After the 24-hour fermentation period, your Neapolitan pizza dough is ready to shine. Use your culinary skills to shape and top the dough as you desire. The result will be an authentic Neapolitan pizza that's simply divine.

13. **Storage Option:**
If you don't plan to use all the dough immediately, you can store the dough balls in the fridge for a few days. Just remember to bring them up to room temperature before making your pizzas for the best results.

With this classic Neapolitan pizza dough recipe, you're well on your way to creating pizza perfection in the comfort of your own home. The slow fermentation process and attention to detail in this recipe will ensure that your pizzas have that authentic Neapolitan taste and texture. Enjoy your homemade Neapolitan pizzas, and impress your friends and family with your newfound pizza-making skills!

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